Happy Endings Happen!
Our Cats
Here are some of the homeless cats we helped!

Bird was a kitten that was found hungry, dirty and alone on the corner of a busy street near Downtown Silsbee. She got her name because she chirps like a Bird instad of a cat! After living in a foster home a short while, she got her furr-ever home with a family who had just lost their cat. This little girl hit the kitty jackpot and made a family smile again!

Merl Dean
Merl Dean just showed up at his foster home one day as a tiny kitten. No one could catch him but he made a home under the house and was waiting for breakfast and dinner every day hanging on the door peeking in! Occasionally he could be caught and petted, but it became clear that he was not going to be tamed. His foster parents used a TNR program to hunanely trap, neuter and after he was healed, released back into his back yard home where he still eats all he wants, has a heated house for bad weather and occasionally allows his parents to pet him! He is fat, happy and healthy!

Little Kitty
Little Kitty was a tiny kitten found on the train tracks running between trains by members of the Ice House Museum Board at a meeting one night. She could not be caught, but was chased inside the museum where she hid for 2 days. After she was caught the long process of healing began. She was emaciated and smelled terrible and covered in fleas. She found a loving home where she slowly learned that the world is not so scary after all. Today she is an inside kitty where she rules the house and her cat brothers and sisters. She is a very happy, playful and healthy girl, Her favorite toy is a feather on a string, and her best friend is a huge Maine Coon cat who she sneaks up and attacks every time he walks by! Fear is no longer in her vocabulary!
Jack was a homeless kitty that had lost one eye when he was rescued. In his furr-ever home he has become a delightful kitty that speaks to people as they come in a room. He is a lap HOG that has to be in someone's lap all of the time. If you scruffle his belly he will embrace your hand and thump it with his hind feet. A beautiful tuxedo cat, he has become fat and lazy in his new life and is very loved.

Peach was rescued as a hungry, homeless kitten from a neighbor as she loaded her into her car to take her away to "dump her" out in the woods. She got her furr-ever home on that day. She was neutered and now lives in a home with other cats and one dog and two human servants. She is an extremely affectionate kitty that enjoys her time alone, UNTIL it is time to pet her. Then she demands your full attention and seranades you with an incredible purr! She has made a very sweet and non-demanding kitty and a much loved pet.